We are all musical beings and MindHarp empowers people to intuitively engage with music.
Our vision is to help make the world a safer, gentler and healthier place by harnessing the extraordinary healing power of music.
What is MindHarp?
MindHarp enables everyone to actively engage and play with music and sound by simply tapping buttons on our web-app. MindHarp is immersive and has psychological and physical health benefits.
Why use MindHarp?
When you immerse yourself in musical sound you are healing your mind and body. There is extensive scientific proof that engaging with music really helps to lower stress and anxiety and enhance mood states.
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Voice-guided musical journeys. A place of calm and inspiration. Listen and tap buttons.
Tap buttons to create your own sound journeys, explore and combine different sounds.
Your email and Access Token gives you secure, free access. We respect your privacy and commit to never abusing your trust
Read our Privacy Policy

Join us. Create a Wave
Together, with the input of our community, we want to unravel and understand together a simple truth:
When we engage with musical sound we reduce our stress levels and this will impact positively on those around us. If millions of us do this for just a few minutes a day then something has to shift.
Join us to create a wave of sound, a physical wave of positive energy…

How can I start making waves?
Play and enjoy MindHarp
By using MindHarp you are creating music and sound waves. Even if you are playing just for your own pleasure and relaxation you are making a difference. After engaging with musical sound, your energy will change the energy around you.
Share MindHarp
Let your friends, family and colleagues know about the fun and benefits MindHarp gives. Share your experiences of MindHarp with us and share them on your social media.
We are a self-funded, mission-driven organisation. Any contribution you make helps us keep creating and supporting our work in the community and with health professionals.