Create a Wave

MindHarp community is a space where we:
Discover that we are all musical humans
Explore and share the extraordinary ways that music impacts on our lives, from its healing properties through to the sheer delight that is music.

At MindHarp, our vision is for each and every one of us to experience the joy of immersing in sound, and through the MindHarp community, hear and discuss one another’s experiences.
To discover that to engage with music is as natural as breathing the air we breathe.
To take courage from one another and allow ourselves to throw off the conditioning and belief that only some of us are musical or can actively engage with music or interact with music

We believe that as the MindHarp community grows, more and more of us will come together and create a wave of sound, a physical wave of positive energy that is continuous and ongoing, allowing the soothing and healing effects of musical sound to calm the rising anxiety and fear that so many of us are experiencing during these turbulent times.
Together, with the input of our community, we want to unravel and understand together a simple truth:
When we engage with musical sound we reduce our stress levels and if we are a bit calmer this will impact positively on those around us. If millions of us do this for just a few minutes a day then something has to shift.
We want to explore the world of Mindharp’s Gardens as an easy way to seamlessly play music while also looking at other ways that are just as effective, from singing every day in the shower to banging on pots and pans, if that’s your thing.
We want to hear from people from every walk of life who are passionate about engaging with music and inspire others to ‘jump on in’.
To get insights and information, anecdotal and empirical that will reinforce that music, when harnessed by millions in a focused way, with commitment and determination can really help to make our world a safer, gentler and healthier place